Quick ReferenceΒΆ

find a full path to your file and insert it in the given place in a generated html

insert an external file

insert an image (start a line without any extra characters before /,
which you can use also to block this function by putting a character before /
/<path to an image>
files:///<path to an image>
(mind that this function will change the original MD file (not only HTML output),
so your editor should be enabled to re-load a changed file from the disk

insert the table of content in here
[tableofcontent] or {{TOC}}

to get the current date 2017-01-13
[date] or {{date}}

define only width for a image:
![](imgs/Screen_Shot_2017-02-12_at_1.17.04_AM.png =500x)

only height:
![](imgs/Screen_Shot_2017-02-12_at_1.17.04_AM.png =x400)

and both:
![](imgs/Screen_Shot_2017-02-12_at_1.17.04_AM.png =400x400)

you can put to images next to each other and sqeeze them to the left
<div style="width:300px">

#short - set for image (``max-height:400px``) to make it shorter

add description of a note in the Index page
[desc:info on TN]

insert a file and remove the first line and shift all headers by one to fit
the structure of the file where you import to
/[file:hacking-convert-pdf-to-images.md =del1 =shift1]

recompile master note with a give note when the note is changed

\ii - copy an image file from Desktop to Geekbook and insert a link in a Markdown file
\ip - copy a clipboard an image file and insert a link in a Markdown file
\id - copy an image file from Dropbox to Geekbook and insert a link in a Markdown file

[yt:<youtube video id] - this will insert the HTML code for YouTube video in the output html page
[yti:<youtube video id] - this will insert the HTML code for YouTube video in the markdown note !